My own Programming Language Interpreter

An intriguing C++ project: Crafting a compact interpreter for my personally developed imperative programming language. A testament to my passion for software innovation and the limitless potential of creativity in the world of programming.

Propositional Logic Interpreter

Explore the fascinating world of propositional logic with my TypeScript interpreter project. This creative endeavor focuses on implementing the five fundamental logic operations within propositional logic.

A* Pathfinding visualization

Experience the art of pathfinding with our A* Pathfinder Visualizer project, crafted in Java using the Swing toolkit. Watch as this interactive tool brings to life the intricate world of pathfinding algorithms.

Implementing HTTP from scratch

Delve into the heart of web technology with my concise C implementation of the HTTP protocol. This project features a simple yet effective server for serving web pages and static files, emphasizing my dedication to mastering core internet technologies.