Hey there! Here, you'll find a collection of cool stuff I've been working on over the years. Each project is a little piece of my coding journey, filled with challenges, learning moments, and a lot of fun.

Take a look around to see the different things I've built. Each project has its own story and showcases my love for problem-solving and creating awesome tech solutions. I hope you enjoy exploring them as much as I enjoyed making them!

C++ Protocol
Implementing the HTTP protocol

A powerful C++ HTTP library that supports both synchronous and asynchronous sending of requests. Easily map HTTP methods and paths to C++ functions, enabling quick and efficient server development, similar to the simplicity of Golang’s http package.

Rust AI
An Artificial Neural Network library

I put together an artificial neural network library in Rust, focusing on reinforcement learning. It doesn't use the GPU for heavy lifting, so it's all CPU-based, but it was my first dive into AI. Building it taught me a ton about neural networks and Rust's awesome performance and safety features.

C++ Language
Programming Language Interpreter

I built my own programming language interpreter in C++ from scratch, which was a first for me. It was a wild ride designing the language and then writing the interpreter to bring it to life. It really pushed my coding skills and was an awesome way to dive deep into how programming languages work under the hood.

Typescript Language
Propositional Logic Interpreter

Created a first-order logic interpreter in TypeScript to help me prep for an exam. The project was all about building a syntax tree for logical expressions, and it taught me a ton about parsing and interpreting formal logic. It was super helpful for getting a grip on the concepts and applying them in a practical way.

Java Visualization Algorithm
A* Pathfinder

Back in high school, I coded up an A* pathfinder algorithm in Java as one of my first projects. It finds the shortest path in a grid, which was a cool way to learn about algorithms and heuristics. Plus, seeing it find the best route in real-time was super satisfying!